Gaby Dufresne-Cyr - Dog Trainer and Animal Behaviour Teacher

Gaby Dufresne Cyr

Gaby Dufresne-Cyr is a prominent figure in the world of canine behaviour and training. With a background in psychology and education, she has dedicated her career to understanding and improving the lives of animals. Gaby is renowned for her innovative approach to dog training, which focuses on building strong relationships based on trust, respect, and clear communication between humans and dogs. 

The avant-garde thinker is not afraid to think outside the box; consequently, she innovates by including multiple learning theories in her classroom and training protocols. According to Gaby, "Long gone is the idea behaviourism is the only way animals learn."

As the founder of the Dogue Academy, Gaby has played a pivotal role in shaping the field of domestic and exotic animal training and behaviour modification. Her holistic approach emphasizes the importance of considering each animal with unique needs, personalities, and learning styles. Through her work, Gaby aims to empower both dogs and their owners to achieve harmonious relationships built on mutual understanding and cooperation.

In addition to her work at the Dogue Academy, Gaby is a sought-after speaker and educator, sharing her expertise at conferences, workshops, and seminars around the world. She is also a published book author, with articles appearing in leading publications in the field of animal behaviour.

Overall, Gaby Dufresne-Cyr's contributions to the field of canine behaviour and training have been instrumental in promoting positive, compassionate relationships between humans and animals. Her dedication, expertise, and commitment to improving the lives of dogs have earned her widespread recognition and admiration within the dog training community and beyond.

In her spare time, Gaby practices dog, wolf, horse, and rat animal-assisted therapy with at-risk teenagers. She loves to write, draw, research, and organize social events. Gaby Dufresne-Cyr is the author of two books, the Dog in the Mirror is God and Animal-Assisted Therapy. She also travels internationally to speak about the science of dog training, behaviour management, alternative learning theories, and exotic animal-assisted therapy as a means of enrichment, training, and conservation. 

About Gaby's Dog Training Approach

Gaby Dufresne Cyr between two wolves

Gaby's training methods are grounded in behaviourism, social cognitive, constructivism, and situativism learning theories. Her science-based training involves rewarding problem-solving and effective decision-making to increase desired behaviour. By using Malsow's hierarchy of needs as rewards, she helps dogs associate good behaviour with positive outcomes, making learning fun and rewarding for both dogs and their owners.

In addition, Gaby also incorporates elements of behavioural science and communication into her training approach. She teaches students how to effectively communicate with their dogs through body language, voice tone, and clear, consistent cues. By improving communication skills, Gaby helps strengthen the bond between dogs and people, leading to better cooperation and understanding.

One of the key principles of Gaby's approach is empowerment. Rather than relying on dominance or coercion, she empowers dogs to make choices and learn at their own pace. This empowers dogs to become active participants in the training process, leading to greater engagement, enthusiasm, and success.

Overall, Gaby Dufresne-Cyr's dog training approach is characterized by its holistic, individualized, and compassionate nature. By prioritizing the animal's umwelt*, she helps dogs and their owners build strong, trusting relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.

Make sure to follow Gaby on social media for updates, events, and social gatherings.

*Umwelt: how an individual animal experiences its surrounding world or environment. 

Gaby's Experience

- Animal-Assisted Therapy - EMSB*

Mountainview High School (dog & rat program)
Perspectives One High School (dog program)
Focus High School (rat program)
Laurier-McDonald High School (pilot project - dog program)

- La Pocatiere College Professor

The Business pf Animal-Assisted Therapy 
Animal Training and Behaviour Modification

- Animal Behaviour Consultant & Animal Trainer

Les Écurie Casa Blanca
Park Safari Zoo, Hemmingford
Au Coin des Quatre Pattes

- Wolf Behaviour Field Guide

Wolf Park

- Veterinary Assistant

De la Promenade Veterinary Clinic
Ahuntsic Veterinary Clinic


*Montreal English School Board

Gaby's Education

- Concordia University

Psychology, Cognitive-neuroscience (student)
Applied Human Science, Family Life Educator 

- Walks 'N Wags 

CPR & First Aid

- Wolf Park

Advanced Exotic Animal Training 
Wolves, Coyotes, Foxes, & Bison Training 
Captive Wolf Management 

- Coursera

Dog Emotion and Cognition 
Horse Course: Introduction to Basic Care and Management 

- Animal Behavior Management Alliance

Advanced Exotic Animal Training & Enrichment (2019, 2017, 2014) 

- Quebec Association of Veterinary Medicine

Domestic Animal Safety & Health
Animal Rights
Animal Grieving